Lessitala Consultoria e Serviços is seeking a full-time Research Associate position to work on studies of the Economics of Health Decision-Making in Mozambique. Lessitala Consultoria e Serviços is undertaking these studies in partnership with the University of Michigan. The Research Associate will work with Professors Dean Yang and Tanya Rosenblat, and possibly other University of Michigan faculty, on a set of research projects on HIV/AIDS. Successful applicants will also collaborate on new research on health and economic development that stem from the ongoing research.
The Research Associate will contribute to the research project in a variety of different ways, including data management; geographic information systems (GIS) work; fieldwork management.
This position can serve as a bridge towards further graduate studies, such as a Master’s Degree or Ph.D., for applicants interested in empirical economics. The Research Associate will be an active member of Development Economics @ Michigan, a dynamic community of scholars, and will gain exposure to the cutting edge of research in development economics.
Under the direction of the project’s Principal Investigator (PI), the Research Associate will engage in the following:
The selected candidate will need to possess the following:
Required Qualifications:
Desired Qualifications (preferred but not required):
To apply for the position, you should submit a cover letter, your CV, and your latest transcript of grades (unofficial is fine). Both cover letter and resume/CV must be written in English. The cover letter should indicate your starting availability, address your specific interest in the position, outline skills and experience that directly relate to this position, and indicate which work location you prefer.
Applications should be submitted to Rita Neves at rneves@umich.edu with the subject line “Application – Mozambique-based Research Associate 2023” by May 21st, 2023.