The Project “Improvement of the Framework Conditions for a competitive Private and Financial Sector”, which is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU) aims to improve income and employment in rural areas of Mozambique. The work of the project focusses in three areas: 1. Improvement of the business climate, 2. Private sector development through upgrading of value chains and 3. Improvement of financial services and access to the formal financial sector. Current work is concentrated at national level and in the provinces of Inhambane, Manica, Sofala, Nampula and Zambezia.
GIZ’s Development Service is looking forward to applications of candidates with a professional qualification and / or university degree and at least two years of professional experience. In addition you hold the German nationality or the nationality of a member state of the European Union.
Please understand that we can accept and process in principle only applications via our E-recruiting system. Following the confirmation of your succesful application, kindly check your spam / junk mail folder on a regular basis, since some provider classify emails form our recruiting system as spam.