Terms of Reference (ToR) for Situation analysis on nutrition status for Catalyzing Strengthened policy Action for Healthy Diets and Resilience (CASCADE) project.
Founded in 1945, CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere) is a leading international humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. CARE is a global leader in a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. CARE seeks a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security. CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice, putting women and girls in the center.
CARE is a global leader in a worldwide movement dedicated to ending poverty. CARE seeks a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security. CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice, putting women and girls in the center. CARE International began its work in Mozambique in 1984, providing large-scale, emergency humanitarian assistance to communities affected by the protracted war between government and rebel forces. Since the end of the war in 1992, CARE has responded to people’s needs in the areas of health, water and sanitation, agriculture, as well as economic empowerment and food assistance. One of CARE’s main areas of focus is the empowerment of women and girls and the strengthening of local civil society.
CARE and GAIN (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition), two organizations that have extensive experience in fighting malnutrition, have joined as a Consortium and won a tender to implement a project called “Catalyzing Strengthened policy Action for Healthy Diets and Resilience” (CASCADE) that is being implemented in 6 countries: Benin, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Mozambique.
CASCADE has two strategic objectives, that represent the long-term outcomes of the CASCADE program, required to achieve the program’s goal: strategic objective 1: To increase access to and consumption of healthy diets among household members in the six programme countries, particularly women of reproductive age and children; and the strategic objective 2: To increase resilience to economic-and climate change-related shocks and stresses of household members in the six programme countries, particularly women of reproductive age and children. The project has five different domains. These are:
D1. Government bodies effectively implement nutrition-related policies promoting year-round consumption of healthy diets, particularly for women of reproductive age.
D2. Private service providers offer accessible and affordable products and services, promoting year-round consumption of healthy diets, particularly for women of reproductive age.
D3. Community members, advocates, and government service providers are drivers of change that positively influence the implementation of nutrition-related policies and practices.
D4. Empowered women have increased knowledge, skills, and resources to produce, acquire, prepare and consume healthy diets for themselves and their children, D5. Strengthened coordination and linkages among food system actors and processes.
At the Mozambican level, the project will be implemented in the Nampula Province, with specific headquarters in the district of Nacala Porto.
CARE (Netherlands and US) and GAIN form the consortium and are equal partners in CASCADE. CASCADE works with 3 Key Stakeholder groups (see below) to implement the main goal of CASCADE, to implement nutrition policy.
General Objectives
The overall objectives of the assignment are to:
Specific Objectives
In addition to the baseline study, the CASCADE project plans to generate in-depth qualitative data about communities’ perceptions on food and nutrition in targeted districts, within the most vulnerable communities where CASCADE will implement activities, nutrition-related information from districts and provincial Health departments and from local partners.
The results of the assessment will inform the selection of the key behaviors, practices, norms, and taboos to focus on, as well as structural issues within health services that CASCADE should focus on.
The assignment will be conducted in CASCADE project implementation areas: Nacarroa, Erati and Nacala-a-velha districts.
The consultant is expected to deliver the following products within the proposed timeline. The implementation of the assignment will take approximately 65 days and is expected to be completed in a maximum of 1 1/3 months from the date the contract agreement is signed. An indicative timeline for the assignment is presented below.
Consultants/firms who meet the requirements below should submit a proposal to CARE up 10th of April 2023, which should include the following:
Knowledge and experience in team
At least 10 years of proven experience in conducting Social and behavior change, gender norms and nutrition, food, and agriculture analyses. Team leaders who worked on Gender, nutrition, and agriculture will be an added advantage.
Key staff data
The selected consultant or team of consultants should be able to prove:
The consultant(s) should have:
Selection/evaluation criteria
The selection committee will review all applications after the submission deadline. All applicants must meet the minimum requirements described above. The following are the evaluation/selection criteria for the technical and financial proposals:
Applicants should submit their technical proposal and financial proposal separately. The technical and financial proposals constitute 80% and 20% of the total evaluation score, respectively. The three firms/consultants with passing and highest technical points will have their financial proposals evaluated, and the bidder with the highest total of technical and financial scores (with their respective weights) will be selected.
Interested firms should send an email requesting the full TOR, please email Carla.dasilva@care.org and Cristovao.cuco@care.org to receive the full TOR. The deadline to submit the proposal is [14/04/2023 ate 16:00, Maputo Local time]. All applications marked as “Catalyzing Strengthened policy Action for Healthy Diets and Resilience (CASCADE) project nutritional assessment Consultancy” should be submitted in person to CARE
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