The World Health Organization is Hiring a Health Emergency Officcer, for Cabo Delgado.
The purpose of the post is to provide technical support to Nampula Gombe operations response on support the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the health operations of health emergencies going co in Nampula.
Competencies (Generic):
Competencies (Functional)
Essential: First degree in Medicine, Health Officer, Laboratory, Nursing, Environmental Health;
Desirable: Masters in Field Epidemiology or MPH.
Essential: 5 years of relevant experience in field epidemiology, disease surveillance, public health emergency management or related field. Working experience with national authorities and or previous work in health emergencies will be an asset.
Desirable: Working experience with WHO or previous international experience would be an asset.
Languages: English: Excellent knowledge; Portuguese: Excellent knowledge Other Skills (e.g. IT): Excellent computer skills (Word, Excel, Power Point,) Duty station: Nampula.