WFP as the lead agency of the Logistics Cluster is mandated by the inter-agency standing committee (IASC) to complement and co-ordinate the logistics preparedness activities and capabilities of the member countries and co-operating humanitarian agencies, both before and during large-scale complex emergencies and natural disasters.
The Global Logistics Cluster (GLC) 2016-2021 strategy includes a special focus on preparedness and on strengthening the response capacity of national actors. The preparedness programme will concentrate on 24 identified disaster-prone countries, providing support for national logistics preparedness embedding a preparedness platform development in country-targeted Logistics Cluster Preparedness activities. Mozambique is one of these 24 countries.
The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. The mission of WFP is to help the world achieve Zero Hunger in our lifetimes. Every day, WFP works worldwide to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry and that the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly women and children, can access the nutritious food they need.
Strategic Priority: Assessment and analysis
Strategic Priority: Response planning and capacity strengthening
Strategic Priority: Monitoring and evaluation
Develop and implement the Logistics Cluster Preparedness project and activities as part of efforts to support existing and build further national capacities and stakeholder networks, aimed at raising the level of emergency preparedness in a local empowerment-focussed setting. As part of the Global Logistics Cluster Preparedness strategy, align current special operation preparedness objectives and further preparedness activities with in-country preparedness planning and co-develop, test and run logistics preparedness tools, and guidance to improve outputs for further mainstreaming.
In this framework, the position is representing the GLC preparedness activities in country, which includes all Logistics Cluster partners and stakeholders, to be coordinated and aligned with WFP, national disaster management authorities’ and partner’s preparedness activities.
With WFP country office hosting the administrative environment, the incumbent is fully embedded in administrative and further WFP regulations, implied by the WFP working contract.
The National Logistics Officer reports to the International Supply Chain Officer or to the HoSO designate and he/she will be under the functional supervision of the Sub Office Supply Chain Officer with the following responsibilities:
Demonstrates robust understanding of supply chain planning in operational contexts. Designs plans and operational scenarios in collaboration with key internal and external stakeholders. Leverages expert intelligence and system data to conduct planning analytics.
Supports integrated supply chain information management and conducts advanced Supply Chain and performance analytics. Contributes to supply chain improvement and innovation initiatives.
Capability Name Description of the behaviour expected for the proficiency level